logo Archives - WhatFontIs.com Playground https://www.whatfontis.com/blog/tag/logo/ Using What Font is you can identify the font you are looking for! Mon, 05 Aug 2019 09:09:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.1 Music fonts and music genres https://www.whatfontis.com/blog/music-fonts-and-music-genres/ Mon, 05 Aug 2019 09:09:03 +0000 https://www.whatfontis.com/blog/?p=73298 Ever wondered what music genres would look like as fonts? Relate to your favorite music genre more than ever by finding out what it would look like as a font. If you are a music lover and intersted in what font variations there are , you should stay tuned and find out more!

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Ever wondered what music genres would look like as fonts? Relate to your favourite music genre more than ever by finding out what it would look like as a font. If you are a music lover and have a curiosity when it comes to fonts, stay tuned and find out more about how mixing these two things up!

Down below, you can find popular music genres like indie, grunge, pop, hiphop, even metal. Many of the fonts we picked may be inspired by popular logos in the genres community .


The best pick for indie is most definitely Amperzand. Indie is melodic, accompanied by smooth instruments  that might be similar to the Amperzand font. This music font looks smooth and easy going, while also being sophisticated as most indie songs can be. The Amperzand font has a vintage look to it that most indie artists try to achieve.

The slant and curves of this font are really calming and visually appealing, matching the indie effect, therefore making it the perfect font to describe the indie genre.


Rebellious, fearless and brave are words that describes the grunge genre while reminding us of the Onyx font. This font is bold and embraces the rebellious and fearless side of grunge. The height of the letters shows a more courageous side of somebody’s personality.

This font is also very known in the grunge community since popular grunge band Nirvana used the font for their logo.The Onyx font is a big reminder of Nirvana and maybe that’s another reason why this font is suitable for this genre.


Amazing Grotesk font

Pop is a known and frequently listened genre and is a perfect match for Amazing Grotesk font, which looks familiar, yet unique in its own way as well. This font can really stand out in a text. It could give out nostalgic senses like many pop songs do.

This font is vastly used in the pop community for commercials or logos. We can see that similar fonts are used by artists such as Ariana Grande, who used a similar font in her album cover “Sweetener”, and Billie Eilish, whose logo has a font that is very a like.


Pastor of Muppets font

If you consider yourself an extreme and daring person, then you most certainly listen to or have listened to metal before. Pastor of Muppets is a really edgy music font. The logo for Metallica, a legend of the metal genre, uses this font, so this must mean something!

The letters are really bold and loud, we might say, some letters even look like thunder bolts. Pretty hardcore, right?

Pastor of Muppets is the best way to see the metal genre as a font and it’s very recognisable too.


King Kendrick font

King Kendrick is a really good choice when it comes to hip-hop, not only for its talent, but also for the font he uses on his album covers. This recognisable font is made in such a way to resemble graffiti art. This graffiti look alike font is perfect due of its “hood” vibe. It resembles a lot of album covers and hip-hop themed art.

This font is very self explanatory and simple, but also cool looking and groovy. It’s modern and radiant like most hip-hop music these days.

Looking for more music fonts or fonts in general? Go to WhatFontIs.com , it’s heaven when it comes to fonts!

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Re-branding: does it all start with the logo? https://www.whatfontis.com/blog/re-branding-does-it-all-start-with-the-logo/ Wed, 13 Mar 2019 13:00:16 +0000 https://www.whatfontis.com/blog/?p=72791 Sometimes, your brand is in need for a fresh start. Maybe your sales decrease a bit, your look is perceived as outdated or your competition is one step ahead of you. Or maybe your gut is telling you that this is the right thing to do. Whatever the reason behind this decision is, re-branding seems to be the right answer. But does re-branding resume to changing a few superficial visual elements such as color palette or logo? Or is it much more than this? Let's find out!

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In the article about Airbnb (check it out here) we asked ourselves: does re-branding start with changing the logo? Sometimes, your brand is in need for a fresh start. Maybe your sales decrease a bit, your look is perceived as outdated or your competition is one step ahead of you. Or maybe your gut is telling you that this is the right thing to do. Whatever the reason behind this decision is, re-branding seems to be the right answer. But does it resume to changing a few superficial visual elements such as color palette or logo? Or is it much more than this? Let’s find out!

How do we define re-branding?

To begin with, let’s establish the meaning of this concept. Re-branding is the process of changing the imagine of a brand. However, this change is a more profound one. It all starts at the core of a brand: its mission and values. This being said, the refresh is not a superficial one. In order to re-brand yourself, it’s not enough to change your usual font, your logo or your color tone. The change needs to be more profound.

So where do we begin?

re-branding idea logo

Even though the name and the logo are iconic, the mission and the core values of a brand are the magnet that attracts and keep your audiences nearby. Your brand is much more than a simple logo. It’s built on certain values that your target group adheres to, believe in and search in most of the products or services they use.

Your brand must have something unique to it, that distinguishes it from other similar brand on the market. Use this Unique Selling Proposition to establish yourself as the most relevant brand in you area of expertise. It could be a simple idea, a slightly different way of serving your users or your brand’s tone of voice. By going straight at the mission and values, by keeping in mind the essence and reinterpreting it into something new, you might gain much more than by simply changing your appearance.

Re-branding also means changing the direction of your entire communication. Firstly, ask yourself: is it necessary? How will this serve me? By doing so, you might even find new acting directions that might interest you, such as attracting a new group of consumers: the youngsters. This way, you’ll maintain your brand alive for a very long time.

Although, you must keep in mind: you don’t need to be appealing for everybody. Just find you niche and stick to it.

When do we focus on visual elements?

After finding a new way of interpreting your brand’s core mission and values, after deciding if re-targeting is necessary, after using your Unique Selling Proposition in a new way, you can move your attention to the way you communicate visually. What does this mean? You can act on and change logos, fonts and color palettes, websites and Social Media pages, flyers and brochures.

However, this change isn’t a radical one. You can play with shapes and colors, with lights and shadows and fonts. Why, you might ask? Well, they tend to get out of style. In the end though, there must be a smooth, visible transition between the old look and the look. When it comes to brands, logos are kind of a big deal. That’s why every little change and alteration must be backed up with lots of good reasons and smart decisions.

To sum up, re-branding isn’t all about changing only superficial elements and sticking to the old way of doing business. However, if you decide that improving your brand visually is all you need, WhatFontIs is here to help with lots of creative and notorious fonts. Check it out!

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The new identity of Airbnb: right or wrong? https://www.whatfontis.com/blog/the-new-identity-of-airbnb-right-or-wrong/ Tue, 05 Mar 2019 15:00:17 +0000 https://www.whatfontis.com/blog/?p=72779 If you are a travel junkie, you definitely must've heard about Airbnb. The online housing marketplace has been around for 11 years now, with no intentions of going anywhere in the near future. However, its identity hasn't always been the one we are familiar with right now. In 2014, Airbnb went through a rebranding process, unveiling a fresh and relatable identity. With no further ado, let's dig into this story and find out the most significant aspects of this new identity.

The post The new identity of Airbnb: right or wrong? appeared first on WhatFontIs.com Playground.

If you are a travel junkie, you definitely must’ve heard about Airbnb. The online housing marketplace has been around for 11 years now, with no intentions of going anywhere in the near future. However, its identity hasn’t always been the one we are familiar with right now. In 2014, Airbnb went through a rebranding process, unveiling a fresh and relatable identity. With no further ado, let’s dig into this story and find out the most significant aspects of this new identity.

How it all begun

Airbnb old logo vs new identity logo
The old logo versus the new logo.

On the 16th of July 2014, Airbnb introduced the world to its new and improved identity. The new positioning, Belonging Together, gave the brand a new whole new meaning. ‘Belonging has always been a fundamental driver of humankind. So to represent that feeling, we’ve created a symbol for us as a community. It’s an iconic mark for our windows, our doors, and our shared values. It’s a symbol that, like us, can belong wherever it happens to be’, declared Brian Chesky, founder of Airbnb.

In order to come up with a identity that could speak up for the brand and to the community, four members of the creative team pursued on a journey. They visited 13 cities from four different continents and met 18 different hosts. The result? Something that shaped the way we understand travel.

The visual representation

The new identity on fonts

Firstly, this new identity needed a fresh new font. The previous logo was designed by one of the owners of Airbnb. In order to write down the brand’s name, he used a font called Bello. Although it looks nothing like the current one, it somehow managed to send out a sense of comfort and casualness which helped at developing the brand’s new image.

Through its appearance, the 2014 logo managed to attract a more mainstream audience and to create brand awareness. For this new logo, the designers used a font from a particular font family: Lineto. Thus, the brand’s name is written in a customized version of Lineto’s Brown font, while other messages are written in a customized version of Lineto’s Circular. Check out a pretty similar font called Smooth Circular! It’s a nice and clean sans serif font that you must keep in mind.

The new identity on colors

Secondly, another step in redesigning a brand’s image is choosing a representative color. Or, if you are really creative, coming up with one. The main color that stands for Airbnb is called after the street where everything started: Rausch. Pretty cool, right?

The new identity on logo

Finally, let’s focus our attention on the brand’s new logo. Commonly know as ‘The Bélo’ – remember the whole belonging concept, right? – the logo is an abstract representation of four ideas: people, places, love and Airbnb. They are beautifully blending together in an A shaped logo. You can check out a short video about ‘The Bélo’ here.

Airbnb abstract representation
The abstract representation of four ideas in one logo.

To sum up, when it comes to the travelling community, this new face of Airbnb has the potential of becoming as famous as the WIFI icon. Or the Apple’s logo. In addition, besides all this sense of community that this new identity indulges, Airbnb made us aware of one significantly important thing. It matured and it has the ambition to become a worldwide known brand. In other words, this change was beneficial.

However, do you think that changing the identity of a brand should begin with a new logo? While you think about an answer, check out whatfontis for lots and lots of fonts that can come in handy for your creative project!

The post The new identity of Airbnb: right or wrong? appeared first on WhatFontIs.com Playground.

Mastercard, is that you? New logo, old look. https://www.whatfontis.com/blog/mastercard-is-that-you-new-logo-old-look/ Wed, 20 Feb 2019 06:42:53 +0000 https://www.whatfontis.com/blog/?p=72710 Nowadays, brands tend to change their appearance more often. They can come up with a new logo or a reinterpreted version of the old one. They can think of a new slogan. Or they can sweep us off our feet with an entire "new look". When talking about beneficial change, Mastercard is a pretty good example. Why? Well, let's find out.

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Nowadays, brands tend to change their appearance more often. They can come up with a new logo or a reinterpreted version of the old one (by the way, have you read the story about Zara and its new logo?). They can think of a new slogan. Or they can sweep us off our feet with an entire “new look”. When talking about beneficial change, Mastercard is a pretty good example. Why? Well, let’s find out. Mastercard came up with this new logo.

The older logo

Mastercard new logo

Since 2016, the Mastercard logo is represented by two imbedded circles: a red one and a yellow one. The brand’s name is sitting under those circles, written in a sans serif font ( if you like this font, check Axioma Medium – it’s pretty similar). Even though the logo itself is pretty easy to recognize, we can call this a transition period.

Change was the main drive that influenced the new Mastercard look. Nowadays, we live in something that can be easily identified as a digital era. We want more and we want to achieve that more in a simpler, efficient way. We appreciate novelty and we embrace change easily. And last, but not least, we live in the present while thinking about the future.

With no further ado, these characteristic are the main reasons brands need a refresh. So, in order to identify itself with its audience, Mastercard came up with this logo. A logo that represents simplicity, authenticity, connectivity and modernity.

The new Mastercard logo

The present and the future (but for how long?)

At the beginning of 2019, Mastercard dropped a new logo: one that’s missing the brand’s name. Pretty bold move, right? Well, Mastercard conducted a research for almost two years before making that decision. As a result, they found out that people easily recognized the sole logo, without needing to see the brand’s name underneath it.

After coming to these result, Mastercard was finally ready for this big and significant change. The brand was ready to accept the fact that its omnipresence led to instant recognition of the brand. Also, by embracing this change, Mastercard is getting ready to take over the post credit-card world. How is that, you might ask?

With an easier to read logo (you don’t actually need to read it, right?) on digital screens, placing Mastercard among those elite brand that don’t really need a name underneath them to be recognized.

Are you aiming to achieve an instant recognizable logo? Follow Mastercard’s example and embrace change step by step. You can start with switching to a modern font. Therefore, we have great news: WhatFontIs is here to help you with lots of fonts. Here, you can find over 500k fonts. Check them out and tell us which one is your favorite!

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