Graphic Design Archives - Playground Using What Font is you can identify the font you are looking for! Wed, 01 Nov 2023 09:33:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Most Popular 19 Fonts And Their Descriptions On Short Wed, 01 Nov 2023 09:33:14 +0000 Fonts play a critical role in any design project, find below the most popular 19 fonts and their descriptions on short.

The post The Most Popular 19 Fonts And Their Descriptions On Short appeared first on Playground.

Fonts play a critical role in any design project, find below the most popular 19 fonts and their descriptions on short.

The Most Popular 19 Fonts And Their Descriptions On Short

They convey personality, tone, and emotion, and can be used to establish brand identity, create hierarchy, and enhance readability.

With so many different fonts available, it can be overwhelming to know which ones to use.

In this article, we will explore the 19 most popular fonts and discuss their unique characteristics and best use cases.

Here are the 19 most popular fonts and their descriptions on short


Arial is a classic sans-serif font that is popular for its clean, simple design. It is easy to read and works well for body text, headlines, and digital materials.

Times New Roman

Times New Roman is a serif font that is commonly used in print materials like books and newspapers. It has a classic, elegant look and is easy to read at small sizes.


Helvetica is a versatile sans-serif font that is known for its clean, modern design. It is popular in graphic design and is a great choice for body text, headlines, and logos


Garamond is a serif font that has a classic, elegant look. It is often used in print materials like books and magazines and is a good choice for body text and headlines.


Futura is a geometric sans-serif font that has a modern, futuristic look. It is popular in graphic design and works well for headlines, logos, and posters


Georgia is a serif font that was designed specifically for use on screens. It is easy to read at small sizes and works well for body text, headlines, and digital materials.


Baskerville is a serif font that has a classic, elegant look. It is popular in print materials like books and magazines and works well for body text and headlines.

Century Gothic

Century Gothic is a geometric sans-serif font that has a clean, modern look. It works well for headlines, logos, and posters.


Verdana is a sans-serif font that was designed specifically for use on screens. It is easy to read at small sizes and works well for body text, headlines, and digital materials.


Copperplate is a serif font that has a classic, elegant look. It works well for headlines, logos, and invitations.

Myriad Pro

Myriad Pro is a sans-serif font that has a clean, modern look. It is popular in graphic design and works well for headlines, logos, and posters.


Palatino is a serif font that has a classic, elegant look. It is popular in print materials like books and magazines and works well for body text and headlines.


Rockwell is a slab serif font that has a bold, distinctive look. It works well for headlines, logos, and posters.


Designed specifically for use on screens, Tahoma is a sans-serif font that looks great. It is easy to read at small sizes and works well for body text, headlines, and digital materials.

Trade Gothic

Trade Gothic is a sans-serif font that has a clean, modern look. It is popular in graphic design and works well for headlines, logos, and posters


Microsoft requested a font like Calibri to use in Microsoft Office. It is easy to read and works well for body text and headlines.


Courier is a monospaced font that has a distinctive, retro look. It works well for headlines, logos, and coding contexts.

Franklin Gothic

Franklin Gothic is a sans-serif font that has a clean, modern look. It works well for headlines, logos, and posters

Gill Sans

Gill Sans is a sans-serif font that has a classic, elegant look


People use popular fonts with great success, and you can’t go wrong with them.

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Use a logo generator or hire a designer? Wed, 03 May 2023 08:39:42 +0000 What should you do, use a logo generator or hire a designer? Here is everything you need to know.

The post Use a logo generator or hire a designer? appeared first on Playground.

What should you do, use a logo generator or hire a designer? Here is everything you need to know.

Use a logo generator or hire a designer?

To answer this question, you need first to think about several things:

– What is your budget?

– What kind of logo do you need?

– Is your company just starting or it is an old business?

– Do you need to use certain elements – lines, graphics, colors?

– How fast do you need the logo?

– Is it just a logo or is it a brand identity too?

Below, I am doing a quick comparison between these 2 options of getting a logo.

Using a logo generator

There are lots of advantages if you choose to use a logo generator.

To name a few:

– Very low price.

– Best quality versus price.

– Quick – you will get a logo even in a few minutes.

– Some logo generators can also help you with brand identity.

– Logo generators are very simple to use, even for people that never used them before.

– Designs are unique and look great.

I personally love logo generators, even if only a couple of them are really doing a great job.

For all my recent businesses, I used strictly logo generators and nobody (my friends, partners, and clients) knew that my logos were created by a computer and not a fancy and expensive designer.

Using a logo generator, it is true that you cannot get a logo exactly as you want. You can heavily customize it but you cannot have 100% exactly what you want.

But the results are extremely good and you pay peanuts for a nice logo that it is ready in just a few minutes.

If your business is not a huge one, a logo generator is more than enough.

Hiring a designer for your logo

Designers can create outstanding logos, but that will cost you from a few hundred dollars to millions of dollars.

They will ask you tons of questions and it will take them from a few days, up to a few months to deliver your logo.

These are the 2 huge minuses when you work with designers for your logos.

The advantages are that they will help you with ideas and design rules, they will adapt your logo to your business, they will create logos as you need for different mediums (some logo generators are doing the same), they will use the fonts you like, and even more.

When you hire a designer to make your logo, you will be 100% sure that your logo is 100% unique.

At least this happens if you hire a reputable designer.

In my country, the state hired a designer to make a logo for the country, and they paid close to 1 million euros.

After a few months, newspapers were showing that the logo was a cheap copy.

So even if you work with designers, always pay attention.

And probably even more important, don’t work with a designer without signing a contract in which you stipulate all the conditions.

The most important conditions are that the logo is copyright free, that wasn’t copied, and that it is unique.

Otherwise, you could face huge problems.


Both ways of getting a logo are great but for sure one, it is better than the other in certain conditions.

For me it is much better to use a logo generator even if the logo will probably not be the same quality of a logo made by a top designer.

Use a logo generator if you just launch a business, the costs are minimal and you get the logo right away. But if you need a uber professional logo and you can pay the price and wait for weeks or months, then you should probably hire a designer.

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Quickest Guide To Install New Fonts To Photoshop In 2022 Fri, 14 Oct 2022 07:35:51 +0000 Here is the quickest guide to install new fonts to Photoshop in 2022.

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Here is the quickest guide to install new fonts to Photoshop in 2022.

Quickest Guide To Install New Fonts To Photoshop In 2022

I will tell you exactly what you need to do to install fonts, but more important, I will show you also where to look for awesome new fonts, how to identify fonts from websites and pictures, and everything else.

You need just the most basic experience to follow this quick guide; if you know how to start a computer and use a keyboard and mouse, you have enough “skills” to follow this guide.

So, you need much less than you need for Photoshop software. 🙂

Let’s start with WHY you should use new fonts in Photoshop in 2022.

Why look and install new fonts in Photoshop?

If you are already using Photoshop for some time, probably you are bored of the very same fonts and you want new ones to install.

But even if you are just starting with Photoshop, wouldn’t be cool to have many more fonts than you already have?

New fonts will always help you find the best one for your project.

Now we should go to the next chapter, where to look for fonts.

Here is where you should look for new fonts

The most important thing to do is always to use a reputable font website.

Such websites are:

These 2 websites will help you in different ways.


WhatFontIs will offer you similar fonts with the ones that you already know, but what is great is that you can use WhatFontIs software to identify fonts from websites and pictures for free, even with no registration.

Whenever you see a font that you like, take a picture, upload it to and follow the 3 steps to identify the font.

The identification process takes less than a minute and you will find out immediately the name of the font, if it is free or paid, which is the price, where to get it from (download link included) and as a bonus the software will offer you 60+ free and paid font alternatives.

With this font identification software, you can identify all the fonts you like, no matter where you see them – buses, T-shirts, TV, books, internet, packaging, etc.

There is no limit, try WhatFontIs.

Google Fonts

Google Fonts is the most popular place to get a new font for your project.

The website is super simple to use, intuitive, and straightforward.

In principle, you will find the right font for your project on Google Fonts.

If not, you can easily look for fonts on other websites and places and use WhatFontIs to identify them for free.

Now let’s see how you will install all the fonts you like to Photoshop

Quickest guide to install all thew new fonts you like to Photoshop in 2022

The process is very simple.

First, you need to download all the fonts you like. Fonts typically come in either TTF or OTF file formats.

Before installing the fonts

Pay attention when you download fonts to respect the license.

There are many free fonts that are free just for personal project, not for commercial projects too.

There also commercial fonts that have a smaller price for certain uses.

Always check the license, you never want copyright problems.

Installing the fonts

Ok, now that you downloaded all the fonts you like, double click on them and hit install.

Now that you installed them, you will find them ready to use in Photoshop, but also in other software like Word, Excel, etc.

Have in mind that you can also install fonts to Photoshop using Adobe Creative Cloud but it is a bit more complicated and you don’t need to lose time with this method.


Installing fonts to Photoshop in 2022 is super simple and straightforward.

More important than knowing how to install these new fonts, is to know where to look for new fonts and how to identify them (if you don’t know them).

The post Quickest Guide To Install New Fonts To Photoshop In 2022 appeared first on Playground.

How To Design A Proper Product Label Wed, 21 Apr 2021 13:30:05 +0000 Most times, the product label is much more important the product itself. How to design a proper product label is a science that you should learn, it will help you big time sale your products but also in other industries.

The post How To Design A Proper Product Label appeared first on Playground.

Most times, the product label is much more important the product itself. How to design a proper product label is a science that you should learn, it will help you big time sale your products but also in other industries.

Photo by Pedro Barros on Unsplash

Think for a few minutes, how do you choose new products from stores? I am referring to that products that you know nothing about them.

You will tell me that you search for reviews on the internet and that is a good thing to do. But I bet you buy tons of new products without a prior search for opinions.

When you buy these products, you probably look at the following aspects.

There are 3 main considerations when you buy products that you know nothing about them.

  • The product label – How well it looks, if it contains all the info you need, if it is attractive and interesting, if it has a premium appearance.
  • The packaging – This is again a super important of the product. If the packaging looks great, it will grab your attention and probably make you buy.

What if the packaging is so cool that you want to give it to your son to play with it? You will buy a product just for that.

This is the power of packaging.

  • The price – If it is expensive, it means that it is a great product, right? Not necessary but this is how our mind thinks, especially when we consider buying products for our families. We want to get the best out of the best for our beloved wives and kids.

For sure you take into consideration many other things like if a product was recommended to you by a friend or family member, if you find the product in the “premium area” of the store, and so on.

People study enormously what we do in stores, what behavior we have, what we like, and much more.


Because this is how they find ways to influence us and buy more products, and usually buy more expensive products.

How to design a proper product label

Now that we discussed how important is the product label, let’s see how to design a proper product label.

If you create a super product label, you will sell. This is 100% true.

At least you sell the first product, if the product will not be well received, the following sales will stop.

But this rarely happens.

The first sale is extremely important because you want people to test your product.

To design a proper product label is similar with designing a proper book cover.

Do a great design and you will sell your book with ease. Fail this step, and your book will stay on store shelves.

Let’s see 8 tips that will help you design a proper product label

I will cover below the most important 8 tips to design a proper product label, no matter what product you have.

  1. Define your target customer

Do your research and understand who is your target customer.

Find out their age, gender, values, education, hobbies, and so on. These information are vital for your product label design.

Your product label should contain the following parts:

  • The company logo.
  • Product name.
  • Product picture – high resolution.
  • Product details.
  • Nutrition facts.
  • Ingredients.
  • Price.
  • Bar code.
  • Best before date.
  • Expiration date.
  • Certification if applicable.
  • Serving suggestions or recipes if applicable.
  • Contact information.

As you see there are quite a few information, you will need to include all of them on your product label design.

Product label colors

Colors are essential for grabbing your customer attention but use them wisely.

Be consistent with the picked colors.

Select the right font

Don’t use generic fonts and don’t combine more than 2 different fonts.

Pay huge attention to the font sizes. Use different sizes for headers, sub headers, and paragraphs.

Don’t use too small font sizes for important information.

Unusual product label shape

If possible, create an unusual product label shape.

Everybody loves them and customers are heavily attracted by them.

Keep in mind that you still need to include all the information on an unusual label shape.

Find a unique feature and write it large

If you can manage to find a unique feature of your product, write it large and let customers see it.

This will help you easily sell your product.

Don’t overthink, many times products have all the same “unique feature” but companies forget to mention it or they think it is not important.

You should mention it and make your product unique in the customer eyes.

Match the packaging

Stay consistent with the materials you pick.

Match your product label material with your packaging.

Product label premium material

Use the best possible material, you want your product label to look fantastic, to have a premium touch, and be way better than your competitors.


It is difficult to create a proper product label and you should never hurry the process.

Once created, the product label should stay as it is for years.

Find what it works before printing hundreds of thousands of product labels.

The secret is to take your time when creating a product label and do lots of tests.

I wish you good luck!

The post How To Design A Proper Product Label appeared first on Playground.

Supercharge Your Website With Powerful Fonts Tue, 10 Nov 2020 07:50:38 +0000 How can you supercharge your website with powerful fonts? Which fonts are powerful? Why are some fonts powerful, and others not? I will respond to all these questions below.

The post Supercharge Your Website With Powerful Fonts appeared first on Playground.

How can you supercharge your website with powerful fonts? Which fonts are powerful? Why are some fonts powerful, and others not? I will respond to all these questions below.

Have you ever seen websites with bad fonts? There are tons of bad fonts, tens of thousands of them. How is that possible? It is simple, let’s see the definition of bad fonst. Bad fonts are the fonts that are not well matched with the website design. These fonts are hard to read and understand, are too large or small, or are even scary.

So on short, there aren’t bad fonts, there are only fonts not well matched with the websites design.

Here are 2 examples of websites with bad fonts, both being the 2020 designs, not pics from old websites.

You don’t know this website, right? But take a look how messy are the fonts.

Only on this section of the website, there are several fonts that used, with different weights, sizes, and colors. It’s a disaster from a web design view.

Everybody knows Craiglist, right? Here, a simple font change (at least weighs and sizes), will dramatically improve the website design and the user experience.

How can you supercharge your website with powerful fonts? If bad fonts are not well matched, the powerful fonts represent the contrary. But even more. Powerful fonts have to come in multiple weights and sizes. You want large headlines that are still easy to read, and paragraphs with smaller sizes and weights.

First, I will show you 10 fonts that will look awesome on any website, almost any website.  After that, I will show you how to quickly identify fonts from any website or newsletter that you like.

10 powerful fonts that you can use to supercharge your website

Below are 10 examples of powerful fonts. Always try a font on your website and see how it looks. Never buy a font before testing it.

Do as many tests as possible, it always pays back.






Codec Pro

Okta Neue




If none of these fonts are a perfect fit for your website, continue reading the article. You will find out immediately how you can identify fonts from any website, for free, using a Google Chrome Extension.

How to identify fonts from any website or newsletter

WhatFontIs, the most popular, powerful, and accurate font finder, can be used as a Google Chrome Extension (get it here) to identify fonts from any website and newsletter, for free.

Install it, and you will have the WhatFontIs icon in the upper right part of your Chrome Browser. Whenever you see a font that you like, click on this icon to active the powerful AI software and hover your mouse over the text. You will find out right away the name of the font and other information. Click on the text, and you will get over 60 free and paid font alternatives.

It is super simple to use, and 100% accurate, here is an example.

Use WhatFontIs whenever you see a font that you like. Identify it and test it on your website. You will be amazed how much can a powerful font change your website.

This is the only system that identifies both free and paid fonts, and which has a huge database of over 600k indexed fonts. It works with all font foundries, including Google fonts.

I personally use it daily; I am always curious to find out what fonts are different websites using (including my competition, I have an online business too ).


The online competition is huge and all of us should pay huge attention to every detail, including to minor ones, if we want to grow our businesses (or at least survive these difficult times).

Fonts are super important, and can easily be changed with better ones. It’s even cheap to change the fonts, but the results can be huge.

Try the above fonts, or identify the ones that you like with WhatFontIs Google Chrome Extension.

The post Supercharge Your Website With Powerful Fonts appeared first on Playground.

5 Tips To Speed Up Your Website Design Process Tue, 27 Oct 2020 08:28:06 +0000 Designing a website in 2020 can be made in several ways, each having pluses and minuses. Today I will share with you 5 tips to speed up your website design process, no matter the programming code or platform you use.

The post 5 Tips To Speed Up Your Website Design Process appeared first on Playground.

Designing a website in 2020 can be made in several ways, each having pluses and minuses. Today I will share with you 5 tips to speed up your website design process, no matter the programming code or platform you use.

If you need right now a website, what path will you follow? Will you use a HTML template that looks very close to what you need and you will edit it here and there? Or you will use WordPress and a website builder plugin? Website builders are also an option, and some are 100% free.

If you need a complicated website (and you have time and money to spend), you should get in touch with a top web development team and get it started right away.

No matter how you decide to proceed, here are my 5 tips to speed up your website design process.

Here it goes, the tips can be used in any order.

Decide what you want / what you need

Years ago, I was doing a huge mistake when designing my own websites (with WordPress and website builders) and also when I was paying developers and talented designers to do the work for me.

I didn’t know what I want and I was waiting for others to tell me what I need. I thought that I will find the exact WordPress or website builder template that I need. In my opinion, the web designer should have told me how my website should look like. He should do his magic, and I only need to pay, not to think.

So, the first tip is that you need to decide what you want and what you need from this website.

Write down:

  • Why do you need a website?
  • Which is its mission? To present your company services, to sell, etc?
  • Do you already have a logo? Normally you should use these colors in your website design.
  • How many pages your website should have?
  • Do you want certain things? A video, a gallery, etc?

Browse the internet and save screenshots of all the websites you need. Take screenshots from any part of the website that you like.

Sketch your website design on a paper. It is not hard. The name of this design is wireframe and it looks like this.

If you know exactly what you want and need, it is much simpler to get the work done or to hire somebody.

What I will tell you is huge, if you know exactly what you need, you may understand that you can do it with a free website builder, and that you don’t have to pay tons of money to a professional team.

Decide your budget for this website

Right now, you know exactly what you need. So, it is time to decide how much money you want or afford to spend on this website and stick to the budget.

Think about every aspect:

  • Who will design the logo (on Fiverr you can find very good designers).
  • Will use a website builder or WordPress? What kind of template will you use? Will it include a website builder plugin?
  • What tools will you use?
  • You already have a hosting solution or you need to pay for one?
  • What fonts will you use? Free or paid?


If you don’t have already your own font collection, create one, so you can easily pick fonts for your projects, without looking for options every time. There is a simple tool (100% free to use), that you can use to create your font collection.

Its name is WhatFontIs. This is the most advanced font finder tool, being packed with over 600k indexed fonts, both free and paid.

It is the only system that will help you identify both free and paid fonts, including Google fonts.

WhatFontIs will help you identify fonts from pictures, by using directly their website, and to identify web fonts, by using the Google Chrome Extensions.

Identify fonts from pictures

It’s simple. Whenever you see a font that you like, take a screenshot and upload it on WhatFontIs website.

Write down the characters identified by the powerful AI software (you skip this step if you register), crop the picture if needed, and right after, WhatFontIs will tell you the following information:

  • The name of the font
  • Its price
  • Where to get it from
  • You will also get over 60 free and paid font alternatives

The software works excellent, being fast and accurate.

Identify fonts from the web

This is my favorite way of identifying fonts. You install the WhatFontIs Google Chrome Extension and right after you will identify fonts from any websites, for free, in seconds.

In the upper right part of your Google Chrome browsers you will have the WhatFontIs icon. Click on it whenever you want to identify fonts from a certain website.

Hover your mouse over the text you want to identify, and WhatFontIs will tell you the name of the font. Click on it, and you will get over 60 free and paid alternatives.

Let’s say that you want to know what font is using.

You see how simple it is?

Create your font collection and stick to it. You will save lots of time when creating websites. Have everything before you start designing.


Probably you will not like this, but I highly recommend you have a super photographer that can provide the pics you want. Don’t use stock photos from the internet, and go the extra mile.

Ask a top photographer to make the pics you want, unique pics.

You should have the connection well establish so you can speed up this process.

Create habits

If you will incorporate the previous 4 steps in your website design process, go another extra mile and convert these tips in your habits.

First, you will find it difficult, but after these tips are habits, you will speed up a lot your website design process.


5 tips to speed up your website design process are enough; you don’t need long lists that are even hard to read.

Take into consideration these 5 tips and let me know how it worked out for you.

The post 5 Tips To Speed Up Your Website Design Process appeared first on Playground.

20 Coronavirus-Themed Murals And How To Identify The Fonts Mon, 25 May 2020 06:17:17 +0000 We wroute about 20 Coronavirus-Themed Murals And How To Identify The Used Fonts.

The post 20 Coronavirus-Themed Murals And How To Identify The Fonts appeared first on Playground.

Today we write about 20 Coronavirus-themed murals and how to identify the fonts.

The COVID-19 virus hit us all very hard and the humankind was not prepared for something like this. Even after the news in China and quickly after that in Italy, people were still not believing that COVID-19 is much more than a simple flu. This nature of ours has to be changed and to quickly adapt to such disasters.

People from all over the world lost their parents, their babies, their friends, and the luckiest ones lost just their jobs entirely or partially. Is it easy to lose your job or to have bankrupt company? Of course not, but it is much simpler to solve this transient situation.

The article has 2 parts

1. 20 Coronavirus-themed murals from all over the world. Talented designed made these awesome murals.

2. You will find out how to identify the fonts used in these murals and from any given picture.

Let’s start with the first point.

20 Coronavirus-themed murals

This mural is showing us a nurse wearing a “superman” protecting mask. Nurses and all medical stuff are extraordinary people that help us get well and get back to our normal lives, exactly like Superman fought many times for us, in cartoons and movies.

The mural was designed by an artist named FAKE.

This graphic is a combination of Donald Trump and COVID-19.

People bought toilet paper like lunatics (sorry if you were one of them). This is not an item that you cannot live without, especially in a house.

Time ago there were people like the one in the image that was selling watches (we all see it in movies), now he adapted to the situation and he is selling the most desired product (for some of us) – toilet paper.

Again, this is a mural that offer our full appreciation to doctors and nurses.

The original poster said: I WANT YOU FOR U.S. ARMY. This was updated for the actual situation with COVID-19.

This mural is again about the craziness with the toilet paper that happened all over the world.

The Simpsons stay home, with protecting masks, and they watch TV.

Stay home is probably the most popular message in the humankind history.

Corona beer and the Corona virus, there were hundreds of jokes (if not more) on this theme.

This is a very strong message – we have to cancel only our plans, not the humanity.

Humankind always helped each other.

We can still kiss and hug each other while we protect ourselves.

10 More Awesome Murals

Beavis and Butt-Head were very cool (google them if don’t know them).

Covid-19 is not letting us move freely.

Wash your hands is probably the second most popular message in the humankind.

This is an adaption from the Uncle Sam US army message.

And again, a mural regarding the toilet paper.

Corona Extra is a great beer that we can drink at home, while we protect ourselves against COVID-19.

It is important not to spread the virus. Many people didn’t pay the right attention to this and that is why at this moment the spread of the virus is huge.

A mural regarding that we should wear masks as often as possible.

A mural regarding the same theme, we should wear masks.

Stay home is a popular message in this period. We all should stay home as much as possible.

This is the solution to get rid of Covid-19.

The very same message in a superb red and white design combination.

Let’s blend in the second part of this article.

2. How to identify the fonts used in these murals

There is a popular and efficient solution to identify fonts from any given picture. Its name is WhatFontIs.

Why is the best?

  1. It has over 600k fonts indexed, both free and paid.
  2. This is the only system that identifies both free and paid fonts.
  3. WhatFontIs works with all font foundries, including Google fonts.
  4. It is efficient.
  5. The software is lightning fast; it takes less than 60 seconds to identify a font.
  6. It is 100% free.

How to use it?

We will use the last picture as a model. To identify the font used in the mural, take the picture and upload it to WhatFontIs – the best font finder in the world.

The next step, if you are not registered (the registration takes only a few moments; you can register with Google and Facebook), is to write down the characters identified by the powerful AI software and crop the picture if necessary.  

WhatFontIs found out that the most similar option to the used font in the mural is Webcomic Bros Bold .It is free and it can be downloaded here.

You have over 60 similar free and paid font alternatives.

This is how you can quickly identify fonts from any pictures. It is simple to use WhatFontIs and you don’t need any experience at all.


Covid-19 will soon end its visit to our world and we will get back to our normal lives.

We should not forget what happened so we can better prepare for the future. Bill Gates declared a long time ago that we will soon fight a pandemic because now millions of people can easily move around the globe.

In this article you saw 20 Coronavirus-themed murals and you learned how to identify the fonts using WhatFontIs. Save this tool and use it whenever you want to easily identify fonts from any given picture, and don’t forget that it is free 100%.

The post 20 Coronavirus-Themed Murals And How To Identify The Fonts appeared first on Playground.

5 Characteristics Of Successful Logos That Big Brands Have In Common Mon, 18 May 2020 10:00:57 +0000 There are 5 characteristics that successful logos have in common and you will find them detailed below. Be prepared for a super interesting article.

The post 5 Characteristics Of Successful Logos That Big Brands Have In Common appeared first on Playground.

There are 5 characteristics of successful logos that big brands have in common, do you know them? You will find them detailed below. Be prepared for a super interesting article.

Logos are abstract designs until they represent the image of a company. Right after, the logos become much more. A huge transformation take place.

The power of a logo and a brand

Millions of people are super happy to wear a t-shirt with the BMW or Mercedes logo, and with many other brands. Employees of different brands are willing to spend good money to buy all kind of clothes and equipment that have the logo of the company they work for. They are not just happy; they are excited to be seen by others wearing some particular brands.

When you put the logo of a successful company on a product that is not so good, it still sells extremely well. Why? Because the logo is the guarantee that they buyers need.

They say, if BMW built that car, for sure it will be awesome. This is how this particular brand is selling cars with small engines, soft suspensions, and which are slow. BMW represents at its base the very opposite: big, powerful and lousy engines (or exhausts), firm suspensions and a stacked driver’s seat.

Don’t get me wrong, I love BMW cars and motorcycles. I have a retro BMW motorcycles right now in my left, in my office which is at the second floor of my house. It was super complicated to get the BMW motorcycle inside. How does it look? It is fantastic.

You need to understand the power of a logo and of a brand. If the logo has enough power, you can almost do whatever you want.

When Apple and Mercedes let their logos fight

I remember a super discussion in the press. There were some rumors that Mercedes might start developing their own mobile phone and compete Apple. That is why reporters asked Apple what is their opinion on this. Their response was brilliant: Mercedes should ask themselves, what will happen if Apple will launch their own car? And after they were silent. It was brilliant.

How can you achieve all of these with your logo? Is a matter of respecting some rules when you create the logo? Or there are these 5 characteristics of successful logos that I mentioned?

Let’s find out together.

5 Characteristics of Successful 5 Characteristics Of Successful Logos That Big Brands Have In Common

Me and my colleagues, we analyzed close to 100 successful logos and find out what all of them have in common. The process was super exciting as we found out not only the 5 characteristics of successful logos, but also much more.

“Many people believe the BMW logo is a stylized propeller,” says Fred Jakobs of BMW Group Classic. “But the truth is a little different.” Full story here if you are interested to read it. It is the most complete, accurate, and detailed story of the BMW logo, written by the company itself.

Simple and easy to remember

The primary role of the logo is the identification. So, the logo should be simple and easy to remember.

What means simple? The logo should contain only the necessary and only 1 idea. What is that 1 idea that defines the company?

People like simple things and they remember them.

Apple logo is simple to remember and to describe. You can explain it even to a 3-4 old year kid. That is amazing.

Can your logo be described and explained to a kid?

The logo should have 1-2 colors. There are brands that have several colors and their logos are still awesome (Google is the first to come in mind) but remember that we discuss about the masses of successful logos.

An unforgettable logo is great but don’t do a design that is complicated and crowded. Keep it simple.


There are over 1 million significant brands in the world, this is an amazing number.

Spend good research when you are creating your logo design. The logo you build should not be inspired from another design.

Be original and keep in mind that the logo should be simple. It is not complicated to do a unique design. Research is the number 1 word here.

How are logo generators and builders handle the differentiation characteristic of a successful logo? I leave this here.


Successful logos are versatile, that translate into looking perfectly on all mediums (online, print, and so on).

If your company gets big, your logo will be used worldwide by online and print publications, newspapers, and even by your customers.

Be sure that your logo is versatile and works excellent in all conditions.


Some of the most successful logos in the world are text logos.

Facebook, IKEA, Coca-Cola and many others are using text logos. All these successful logos can easily be read by anybody, kid or 100 years old person.

Many times, I seen complicated designed letters. Don’t do it, it doesn’t help you. Usually the designer is overdesigning it.

Use a font that is easy to read. The internet is filled with such fonts.

If you find such a font somewhere on the internet and you want to quickly identify it, take a picture of the font and upload it to WhatFontIs, this is the best font finder on the web. And it is 100% free to use.

Loaded with over 600k fonts and being the only system that identifies both free and paid fonts, WhatFontIs will help you find out all the info you need regarding the font you like.

After you upload the picture, in less than 60 seconds, you will get all the info – the name of the font, the price (maybe you are lucky and it is free), the download link, and over 60 free and paid alternatives.

Quality of execution

Your logo should be perfect in terms of quality execution.

This is your company image and be sure that customers and everybody else will take a look at your logo. Everybody watch and analyze logos.

My recommendation is to get help from a talented and serious graphic designer. Awesome logos cost money and cannot be built with by logo generators or for $200. For $200, a graphic designer will not spend many hours for research, and for creating something that is truly unique. Keep this in your mind.


We should create things that aim to be perfect, big, and highly engineered. This is the method to become better from all points of view – personal and business.

If you launch your company right now, or a new product, or you just prepare a new blog, take your time and do everything perfect. This is difficult but it pays huge on the long run.

In terms of logos, the temptation is to get your logo cheap and invest your money in other things. There are so many options on the market that is hard for us to pay much more.

I suggest you to note these 5 characteristics of successful logos that big brands have in common and think for how your next logo will look like.

The post 5 Characteristics Of Successful Logos That Big Brands Have In Common appeared first on Playground.

Fonts Used In The Greatest Events Of WW2 Wed, 18 Mar 2020 06:40:21 +0000 World War 1 and 2 were events that marked the modern civilization. From a font perspective, it is super interesting to analyze that period. Find out below which fonts were used in the greatest events of WW2 – Part 1.

The post Fonts Used In The Greatest Events Of WW2 appeared first on Playground.

World War 1 and 2 were events that marked the modern civilization. Let’s see the fonts used in the greatest events of WW2.

The most powerful countries, and probably everyone else, used propaganda daily to influence and manipulate an audience – sometimes the enemy and many times their own people.

The reasons? Tons of them. How could a general that lost a battle, go to Adolf Hitler or call him, and tell him that? The punishments were huge and most times the truth was not told to the dictator.

Most bad decisions, lost battles, and everything else, were manipulated through propaganda to look good. In a way, I can understand that. The morale of the soldiers should always had been very high so they can fight until the last second.

Propaganda most times means materials, tv and radio messages, posters and street banners, and much more, prepared by governments and different organizations. Fonts played a major role on most of these materials. Every font had to be perfectly matched with the message and the emotions that needed to be transmitted.

Let’s see the fonts used in the greatest events of WW2 – Part 1


Blitzkrieg is a method of warfare where an attacking force, spearheaded by a dense concentration of armored and motorized or mechanized infantry formations with close air support, breaks through the opponent’s line of defense by short, fast, powerful attacks and then dislocates the defenders, using speed and surprise to encircle them with the help of air superiority.

Through the employment of combined arms in manoeuvre warfare, blitzkrieg attempts to unbalance the enemy by making it difficult for it to respond to the continuously changing front, then defeat it in a decisive battle of annihilation.

The Nazis used Blitzkrieg several times: in the Spanish Civil War in 1936; in the Poland invasion in 1939; against Norway in April 1940, and in May 1940 against Belgium.

Against France, this method of warfare was used with huge success. France was much more capable from a military point than Germany, and even so, the Germans took Paris in 3 days.

The Nazis took amphetamine and they didn’t sleep for days to get so fast to Paris.

How was looking the font used by the Nazis?

Font: Bohemian typewriter Font.

Battle of Britain

The Battle of Britain was a military campaign of the Second World War, in which the Royal Air Force defended the United Kingdom against large-scale attacks by Nazi Germany’s air force, the Luftwaffe. It has been described as the first major military campaign fought entirely by air forces.

It was a success of Winston Churchill and the whole Britain.

How was looking the font used by Britain?

Font: Propaganda font

Pearl Harbor

The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise, preemptive military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service upon the United States against the naval base at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, just before 08:00, on Sunday morning, December.

That was the moment when the USA entered WW2.

How was looking the font used by US after the attack?

Font: 42 font

Siege of Stalingrad

The Battle of Stalingrad was the largest confrontation of World War II, in which Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad in Southern Russia.

Adolf Hitler wanted Stalingrad because of its name. Imagine that.

He lost the whole Army 6. Soviets flighted with everything they had and they won. At least 1 million women participated with huge success in this battle.

How was looking the font used by the soviets?

Font: Eurocentric font


During World War II (1939-1945), the Battle of Normandy, which lasted from June 1944 to August 1944, resulted in the Allied liberation of Western Europe from Nazi Germany’s control.

It was a huge battle with thousands of aircrafts, ships, tanks, and other vehicles. The British invented very tanks that could handle the Nazis defense.

Something extremely interesting is how the Allies fooled the Nazis that they will attack in another place, and not in Normandy. They used inflatable tanks and equipment to fool them.

How was looking the font used by the Allies?

Font: Red October Font Family

How can you quickly identify a font from a propaganda poster?

You should carefully analyze and learn from propaganda posters, some of them are extraordinary designs that delivered the wanted message to millions of people.

Whenever you see a font that you could use in your own designs – posters, web, banners, t-shirts, etc., take a picture and upload it to WhatFontIs – the best font finder.

WhatFontsIs has over 600k indexed fonts, both free and paid, and the AI software is lightning fast and accurate.

This is the only system that identifies both free and paid fonts, and it works with all font foundries, including Google fonts.

4 steps to identify the font from this picture

  1. Upload the picture to WhatFontIs.

2. You write down the identified characters.

If you are a registered user, this is made by the software.

3. The powerful and quick WhatFontIs software will show you over 80 fonts that match the font you are looking to identify.

You get both free and paid options.

Find out the price and from where you can download the font.

The whole process took less than a minute and it is free. No registration needed and no payments.

WhatFontIs can be used for 100%, but it also has 2 powerful plans that offer the same features but the pricing is different:

  • Premium costs $29.9 per month
  • You can choose to have a One-time payment of $69.

Both plans will offer you:

  • Unlimited fonts in results list
  • Unlimited number of fonts identifications
  • Unlimited history
  • Zero ads
  • Identify fonts by price
  • Custom text preview
  • Select sources for commercial fonts


Fonts used in the greatest events of WW2 can easily be used in present projects, looking awesome.

The single condition that you need to respect is to properly match the font with the design and the message.

In the following weeks, we will write the continuation of this article – Fonts Used In The Greatest Events Of WW2 – Part 2.

The post Fonts Used In The Greatest Events Of WW2 appeared first on Playground.

The Very Best 12 Free Minimalist Fonts Tue, 10 Mar 2020 09:50:52 +0000 Let’s see which are the very best 12 free minimalist fonts that you can use in various projects. Everything is handpicked.

The post The Very Best 12 Free Minimalist Fonts appeared first on Playground.

Let’s see which are the very best 12 free minimalist fonts that you can use in various projects. Everything is handpicked.

And when I say the very best, I mean it. You don’t have time to spend hours to check hundreds of them.

Why minimalist fonts?

Because they look great and are a super fit for many projects: websites, posters, banners, furniture, IT products, web tools, and much more. And because minimalist fonts represent the future.

Even if it sounds like a cliché, I will say it: less is more. And this trend is getting more and more and traction every day.

Let’s take as an example the famous Apple company, they are using this principle with huge success. One of the main reasons why Apple was and it still is loved by millions of people, is the simpliness to use their products and software.

Their products don’t have the most powerful hardware and still, people (including myself and my family) “fight” for their products and pay much more. Why? All Apple products work excellent in any conditions, and look fantastic.

Minimalist is the future

We design ours houses to be minimalist, we prefer IT products and interfaces that are less crowded, and so on. We even our lives to be simple – minimalist. This is the future.

Why shouldn’t we all apply the same principle to fonts and to everything else? Nobody likes crowded websites, they load in many seconds, and it is hard to quickly find the wanted information.

To build a minimalist website is not simple. Less is more, but “less” means more research and hard work.

You will have to carefully think the design and to proper match the right minimalist font, to have the impact that you want.

A crowded website can easily be made “lighter” by only changing the font with a minimalist one. It is a simple exercise that you should make and see how it works.

What qualities should minimalist fonts have?

  • clean lines and crisp edges;
  • geometric shapes: this will mostly come into play in how the letters are formed;
  • an open or airy appearance: created by white space within or between letters;
  • design details that have significance or purpose;
  • good legibility: this usually means larger letters overall, moderately tall lowercase letters, and easily identifiable letter shapes; and,
  • visual impact: this could be in the design of a typeface (i.e. it’s bold or all uppercase) or in how you as a designer apply the font (at a large size or in a prominent position, etc.).
  • if it is free, it is even better. We are love free minimalist fonts.

These are the very best 12 free minimalist fonts

Blogger Sans by Sergiy Tkachenko

Get it here.

Uni Sans by Svet Simov, Ani Petrova & Vasil Stanev

Get it here.

Prime by Max Pirsky

Get it here.

Corbert by Jonathan Hill

Get it here.

Infinity by Tarin Yuangtrakul

Get it here.

Panama Light by Adrien Coquet

Get it here.

Asap by Omnibus-Type

Get it here.

Ahamono by Alfredo Marco Pradil

Get it here.

Shket by Juan Francisco Garrido

Get it here.

Hapna Mono by The Northern Block

Get it here.

Kel by Keine Martins

Get it here.


Get it here.


The very best 12 free minimalist fonts will offer you the help you need to design a minimalist website or whatever project you may have.

As I said a few times, less is more, pick one of these 12 solutions, don’t browse hundreds of minimalist fonts because your brain will play dead, getting blocked in front of so many options.

As you have seen in this article, there are quite a few excellent options, and if none of these examples are a great fit for your needs, you should simple browse the internet and find a font that you like.

To identify the font, take a picture, upload it to WhatFontIs, and in less than 1 minute, you will find out the name of the font, the price (maybe it is free; WhatFontIs works with both free and paid fonts, being the only system capable of that), and where to get it from.

WhatFontIs, the best font finder tool, is free to use, simple, efficient, and quick. The powerful AI software is loaded with over 600k indexed fonts, both free and paid. And it works with all font foundries, including Google fonts.

Build your own collection of minimalist fonts with WhatFontIs.

The post The Very Best 12 Free Minimalist Fonts appeared first on Playground.
