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Are the oldest fonts still alive?

Fonts have been around for as long as people have mastered the art of using together pen and paper. Initially created and written by hand, they became widely spread alongside with the invention of the printing press. However, some fonts that date way before the 15th century are still considered little works of art and are conserved, reinvented and reinterpreted. Let’s find out the history behind some of the oldest fonts in the world!

The most recognisable fonts

After long hours of thinking about fonts, we have come to a significant conclusion: fonts are ubiquitous. They really are everywhere. We see them on books and movie posters, on clothing and school papers. We even see them on food. Remember the Alphabet soup, right? All in all, some fonts are easier to recognise than others. And no, we’re not going to chit-chat about the one and only Times New Roman. Instead, we’re going to move our attention on other fonts and their origins, fonts that really have an impact on how the world is written today. With no further ado, let’s dig into the story of some of the most recognisable fonts.